Nantes Gare- Cité des Congrès

Immeuble L'Acropole
2, rue Crucy
BP 60515

44005 Nantes Cedex 1

TEL : +33 1 40 21 44 00

SARL Unip AG BURO Nantes

SIREN : 401 767 181

Creating a start-up ? Settling down in Nantes ? Looking for a registered address in Nantes, at a high-quality address which will enable you to convey a great corporate image for your company ? Come and discover the benefits of registering the address of your company within our BURO Club Nantes Congrès business centre, located within the Cité des Congrès business district and only a few minutes from the TGV railway station: an ideal solution to establish your headquarters in Nantes or just benefit from a commercial address.

Virtual Office Nantes Congrès

Our BURO Club Nantes Congrès business centre offers you the following virtual office services:

A registered address for your company in Nantes Gare- Cité des Congrès:

  • Take advantage of our prestigious address in the Cité des Congrès business district to establish your headquarters, open a representative office or dispose of a correspondence address. Beyond a simple registered address in Nantes, our address truly becomes yours: you will convey a professional image for your company while benefiting from services such as the reception and forwarding of your mail. Start your business in Nantes under the best possible conditions and provide it with the address it deserves.

Customized call answering services:

  • Choose to dispose of a dedicated phone line for your company (DDI)a bilingual (French/English) and customized call answering service, messages handling and forwarding via @mail or phone. You may go to your professional appointments in full confidence: you will miss no calls from your partners or clients and will improve your efficiency. Your calls will be answered and handled by our Nantes on-site teams.

Your benefits:

  • A professional address -  A business centre certified by the prefecture - 20 years experience 

Looking for a virtual office in Nantes Gare- Cité des Congrès? 

  • Contact Sébastien Hue or fill in the form to your right. We will be happy to support you in the creation and implementation of your company’s registered address.
Center's Director : Sébastien Hue 

Sébastien Hue

, Business Centre Manager

+33 1 40 21 44 00

Nantes Cité des Congrès

  • Thanks to the construction of the Cité des Congrès (inaugurated in 1992), the Madeleine – Champ de Mars district has undergone profound change. Led by the urban architect Jean-François Revert, the project enabled the district to combine new and old so as to accommodate all usages (housing, business activities, culture, leisure…) and all populations while preserving the city’s natural and historical heritage. Thus, the former craftsmen district which hosted the City’s Halles and the famous LU factory in the last century is today a business cluster opened to the world and is the symbol of a successful regeneration. 
  • Located in the city centre, within this business district designed as a living area, the BURO Club Nantes Congrès business centre enables you to settle down in the heart of the Atlantic Arc. Only 2 hours away from Paris via TGV, the centre offers you the possibility to start or develop your business within the N°1 western France metropolis. On the banks of the river Loire, in front of the « Lieu Unique » (cultural centre set within the former premises of the LU biscuits factory whose initials it kept and whose splendid Art nouveau style building can be seen from most of our workspaces and from our relaxation area), and only 300 metres from the Cité des Congrès, you will provide your company with more than just a registered address or serviced offices. Organize your meetings, your training sessions or your commercial presentations in one of our meeting rooms, and make a true quantum leap ! Just a few minutes away, the Château des Ducs de Bretagne will take you on a journey and invite you to discover a city steeped in history.
  • By choosing BURO Club Nantes Congrès, you will take advantage of the benefits of a business centre located in the centre of a rich and dynamic city (restaurants, cultural centres, sports centres…), easily accessible (only 7 minutes’ walk from the TGV railway station, and close to the tramway, buses and TER (regional express trains) and open to the world (15 minutes from Nantes-Atlantique airport). Pleasure of working and art of living: everything is assembled in our centre located 2 rue de Crucy so that you may work under the best possible conditions!

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