Would you like a business presence for your company in San Jose for just a fraction of the cost of a full time office ? Do you want to establish a virtual office in San Jose in qualilty premises, located downtown ? Come and suscribe one of our virtual office plans in our San Jose BURO Club Partner, located 5 minutes from Mineta San Jose airport and facing the Superior Court of California. Our solutions provide the use of our business address, a personalized telephone answering, mail collection, package notification and much more ! Come and discover the benefits of our virtual office plans in San Jose !
New BURO Club Partner
Virtual Office San Jose
Do you plan to establish your company in San Jose without renting a full time office and without recruiting staff to manage your incoming calls ? The benefits of our virtual office solutions:
- Because a good business address counts ! Our North Market Street is renowned and will be yours when you suscribe a Mail Plus plan. You can use our address in all your brochures, website or business cards. You give an excellent image to your company.
- A cost effective solution. By choosing our quality premises, you will have a business presence in San Jose without renting full time offices. Because we know that you need to save cash when you start a new company !
- A scalable solution: start with a Mail Plus Plan, including a business address, mail collection and package notification. Your company grows ? Our team will set up a local telephone number dedicated to your company and will answer your incoming calls. You need now to recruit new staff and need to rent offices ? Our San Jose premises provide 50 full time serviced offices and a large choice of day offces and meeting rooms. Be agile !
Do you plan to to suscribe a virtual office in San Jose ? Call us at +33 1 40 21 44 00 or fill the form. We will be happy to send you a personalized virtual office quote.
Deseree Hernandez, Business Centre Manager |