Paris 8th district: Haussmann style and high-end service
Office Space news by BURO Club

News of the 14/08/2017
Nicolas Fallet is in charge of the Paris Rond-Point des Champs Élysées business center (8th district). Key account manager for BURO Club, he is known to have great interpersonal skills. He got this accurate sense of high-end service from a previous career, before joining the first European network of business centers. Nicolas took the time to let us interview him.
How did you hear about BURO Club?
We created our business center in 2009. I became a member and treasurer of the Synaphe (Syndicat national des professionnels de l’hébergement d’entreprises/National federation of business centers). This is where I met Frédéric Dathy (BURO Club’s CEO) and Didier Coppi (BURO Club’s development manager). We started talking about BURO Club and Didier’s will to boost the network’s image. This opportunity inspired me and allowed me to give my career an interesting turn. My team and I joined the ranks of the virtual offices and serviced offices specialists. Nowadays, I am co-president of the Synaphe, head of Paris Rond-Point des Champs Élysées business center and BURO Club’s key accounts manager.
How is this Parisian business center going?
It’s been full since 2009 and we have very few turnover. 95% of our clients rent their offices here since 2010. Our customers enjoy an ideal and chic location in Paris, without the touristic aspect of the Champs-Élysées as we are on the Franklin-Roosevelt Avenue. Also, we are fortunate to be in a beautiful Haussmann building, completely renovated inside. The facilities are pleasant and discreet at the same time. We are trying to keep a certain level of confidentiality and our customers appreciate it.
You’re known to have high quality relationships with BURO Club’s clients...
I used to work in the restaurant industry for 15 years. From this experience, I kept the basic notions of service, the creation of customer’s loyalty and day-to-day care. In a way, I feel like I’m the center’s innkeeper (laughs). We are in a spirit of high-end room service; we are in a “yes” philosophy. Need to organize a last-minute cocktail? Yes, we can do it. We bring coffee to our clients when we guess they need some, we order a taxi or a table at the restaurant. We like to be accessible.